Article 2
Background for establishment of the order
We, the International Council, and The Imperial House of Rurikovich have chosen to reform and unite the true Knights worldwide.
We seek to unite people of honor and respect not just for God, but also everything He created, after due consideration of the need to respond to the humanitarian calls of peace, justice and equality, promulgate, and ratify the first Constitution of the re officiated and consolidated House of the Royal and Imperial House of Rurikovich and The Imperial Order of St. John Knights of Malta.
The objective of this document is to assert this institution's purpose and function.
Under this all Priories Worldwide must stand as Autonomus and independant registrated, the agreement with the International Council, the SGM, HRIH and the Protectors are vaulonter based, but to make a common constitutional policy, so everything is streamlined and transparent.
Article 3
Extend and or accept letters of alliance to:
Imperial and Royal Houses, Churches, Governmental groups, social groups, and post a list of allies.
A detailed letter of Defense Decrees will be posted; in the event of war Subjects of the Imperial Order of St. John Knights of Malta, Shall side with the Majority of Allies, unless specifically decreed otherwise by Superior Grandmaster.
Let it be further known that the Imperial Sovereign House of Rurikovich, The Imperial Order of St. John Knights of Malta, does not automatically deem a Nation, Group, or House enemy merely for not having a letter of alliance or treaty thereof with the house.
They are merely deemed Neutral unless they attack the House, its Constitution, or its Membership.